Wolfgang Tschapeller
Portrait Wolfgang Tschapeller
Wolfgang Tschapeller, architect, born in Dölsach/East Tyrol, in 1956, with an architectural firm in Vienna. Following initial training as a carpenter, he enrolled at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and then at Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Since 2005, he has held a professorship in architecture at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts and, in 2012, became head of the Department of Art and Architecture. He has been visiting professor at Cornell University Ithaca, N.Y., Linz University of Art, and New York State University in Buffalo.

Major projects include the BVA 1, 2, 3 Series for the BVA-Building in Vienna, a hotel project in the gardens of the Palais Schwarzenberg in Vienna, the European Cultural Centre in Aachen, as well as projects for the Linz Music Theatre, the Science Centre in Belgrade, and a project for the extension of the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Some of his key concepts found their architectural expression in the administrative building of the Murau district commission (2002) and the St. Joseph House (2007).

The conceptual and theoretical foundation of his projects in conjunction with his interdisciplinary approach, make Wolfgang Tschapeller one of the most important proponents of contemporary Austrian architecture. Several of his projects won awards and were the subject of exhibitions, e.g. in Tokyo 2011 and 2008, Istanbul 2010, and at the Venice Biennale of Architecture of 2010, 2006, and 2004, at the National Art Museum of China, in 2006, as part of the exhibition „Sculptural Architecture in Austria“, in 2004 and 2006 at the Aedes Gallery, and in 2003 at the Sao Paolo Biennale of Architecture.

Team: Simon Oberhammer, Jesper Bork, Mark Balzar, Franz Kropatschek, Christina Jauernik, Mechtild Weber, Gonzalo Vaillo Martinez