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Approaching Venice - Ursula Krinzinger
After studying art history and archaeology in Vienna, Paris, and London, Ursula Krinzinger opened her first gallery in Bregenz in 1971. The gallery in Innsbruck was founded in 1972, the gallery in Vienna in 1986. Since 2002, the experimental exhibition space Krinzinger Projects has been complementing the activities of Galerie Krinzinger. Ursula Krinzinger has drawn international acclaim with her presentations on Viennese Actionism and numerous group exhibitions curated by her, e.g. Zur Situation und Kreativität der Frau (1975), Zur Definition eines neuen Kunstbegriffs (1979), Neue Strategien NYC I (1986), Manierismus subjektiv (1987), Fluxus subjektiv (1990), LAX (1992), UK Maximum Diversity (1998), Berlin Binnendifferenz (2000), post_modellismus (2005), curated by_ (2009–2011). Since 2002, the committed gallery owner has organized the Krinzinger Residencies with studios in Austria, Hungary, and Sri Lanka.